YES Programs



YES Alumnus Featured on Television Network in Pakistan

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Inspired by the quote, "You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?", YES Alumnus, Muhammad Ali Jalal (YES 2016-2017, Pakistan, hosted by AFS in Milan, Michigan), has been making significant strides in his community since his YES exchange year in the U.S. He was recently featured as a special guest on "World This Morning", a morning show on a television network called PTV World in Pakistan. Muhammad was selected to serve as a special guest due to his unnoticed, impactful accomplishments. We asked Muhammad some questions about his experience as a special guest on PTV. Check out what he had to say!

How did you receive the opportunity to be featured as a special guest on PTV World?

After I returned to Pakistan, I had an interview with the producers of PTV World. They were doing their morning show "World This Morning" on "Passion has no Boundaries." The topic encompassed some of the high achievers of Pakistan who did great works at young ages. They decided to have me talk (as one of the four guests) on how I successfully implemented and executed all of my projects. We were also asked about the role of our parents in making us successful people.

Were you nervous?

Although I have presented many times in my life, I was still very nervous like an hour before the interview. It was my first time on television and I wasn't sure what kind of questions I may specifically be asked. I was a little nervous at the thought of answering the questions. When we arrived to the set, all I could see in the room were multiple green screens with a bunch of cameras, LCD screens, and photo lights. The morning show started. After I was asked the first question by the hosts, it felt like all of my nervousness flew away and I felt like the most confident person in the whole world.

How did you feel after the interview?

After the interview, I felt satisfied and proud that I was able to deliver my thoughts in a good way. Also, I was able to become friends with the rest of the guests and the crew. It was indeed, an enriching experience.

Congratulations on your feature on PTV World, Muhammad! 

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