YES Programs



Arrival Orientation Alumni Instructor Highlight: Isra Moussaoui

Isra in a YES shirt holding balloons

By: Isra Moussaoui (YES 2019-2020, Tunisia, placed by AFS-USA in Bainbridge Island, WA)

My exchange experience was more than just traveling to another country and attending an American school; it was about immersing myself in a new community and fostering intercultural dialogue. Throughout my exchange year, I shared the richness of my Tunisian heritage, building bridges between cultures and dedicating over 100 hours to service projects in my host community. This commitment to people-to-people exchange began during the Pre-Departure and Arrival Orientations I had in Washington, D.C., where I absorbed every lesson and insight shared by our instructors. These experiences sparked a passion in me that has only grown stronger over time and made me even more overjoyed to be selected as a KL-YES Alumni Instructor for 2024 and to give back to the community that gave me so much.

Large group of YES students

Serving as an Alumni Instructor in Washington, D.C. was a transformative experience. In August, I collaborated with the amazing American Councils staff and four dedicated alumni from Nigeria, North Macedonia, Lebanon, and Pakistan. Together, we prepared lessons, flip charts, and classrooms, rehearsed presentations, and worked tirelessly to ensure that over 300 exchange students were well-prepared for the adventures and challenges that lay ahead.

Each day brought new opportunities to engage with the students, share our experiences, and witness their excitement and motivation. It was incredibly rewarding to see them grow more confident and excited to embrace their roles as cultural ambassadors. For me, it was both a teaching and a learning opportunity, as I was inspired by their curiosity, bravery, and motivation.

Reflecting on the orientations, I feel as though I’ve relived my exchange year by sharing my story with YES students and offering myself as a resource for their questions and concerns. Through this experience, I have once again seen the YES program's profound impact on its participants and the communities they engage with.

I am deeply grateful to Amideast/Tunisia, American Councils, and the YES program for providing me with this incredible learning opportunity. I am proud to say that the YES program has been instrumental in shaping who I am today, helping me grow through both challenges and opportunities. I look forward to continuing this journey, supporting future exchange students, and inspiring them to make the most of their experiences.
