YES Programs



Celebrating International Education Week

Erta from Albania with her classmates holding small Albanian flags in their classroom.
Erta giving a presentation to her class about Albania

By Erta Prifti, YES 2014-2015, Albania

I have already made four presentations about Albania for International Education Week. In my presentation I included a PowerPoint presentation, accompanied with music, and a display of Albanian souvenirs and food. I had my first presentation in my ESL class. I shared my culture with other students, including four exchange students from different countries.  One of my teachers joined through Skype, because she really wanted to listen to my presentation, but for different reasons she wasn't there physically, but virtually.

My second presentation took place in the geography class at the middle school. Middle school students were really excited to learn and ask questions about a new culture, while they were holding Albanian flags in their hands.

The next presentation was in my civics class. My classmates showed a lot of interest in my presentation. After that, they asked me a lot of questions about the differences and similarities between the U.S. and Albania.

The last one was with my placement organization group, AYUSA. It was a multicultural day, where every exchange student from our group had to make their own presentation for their country. In this presentation, I also included Albanian traditional food.

Table decorated with the Albanian flag and covered with traditional food from the country.
