YES and YES Abroad alumni may apply for a Professional Development Grant.
In December 2011, YES alumni in Lebanon collaborated with Association Civile pour la Sauvergarde de l'Enfant au Liban (ACSAUVEL) to organize a Christmas celebration for children with disabilities.
Established in 1979, ACSAUVEL provides assistance and care to children with light to medium mental disabilities. With 36 centers in Lebanon, ACSAUVEL provides intensive in-patient and day care for 65 children around the country. YES alumni chose to collaborate with the organization to help bring awareness of the organization and its mission. Through their volunteer project, they also hope to encourage others to donate to this worthy casue.
A dedicated group of YES alumni successfully applied for a mini-grant to fund their volunteer project. With funds they purchased toys and cake for 24 children and spent more than two hours visiting students in their classrooms and spending quality time with the children. The ACSAUVEL children were very excited to meet with the YES alumni and even performed a Christmas-themed skit for their guests. Everyone enjoyed the day and ACSAUVEL promised to invite YES alumni for future events.