YES Alumni share food and experiences during Ramadan.
YES Program creates life-long connections between Americans and young Indonesian leaders
Ami writes a thank you letter to her host family.
Learn how to support YES Alumni projects in other YES countries around the world!
Alumni raise awareness for causes in their communities.
"Opportunities helped me learn how diverse we are."
"America for me is another home, but not the America that many might imagine."
The 2017 YES Alumni GYSD webinar prepares alumni & students for Global Youth Service Day!
Young professionals can apply for a one month professional fellowship in the U.S.
Wening from Indonesia learned her comfort zone is a state of mind.
Ricky reflects on interfaith lessons after participating in the Interfaith Harmony Workshop.
How is skiing like being an exchange student?
New YES Indonesia alumni develop and implement a national alumni project each year
What happens when the dream of being an exchange student becomes a reality
Alfatira from Indonesia reflects on her months in the USA.."Here, I have begun to learn not only to say where I’m from, but who I am."
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