YES Programs



Exchange Student Makes Lasting Impression

A screenshot from a news clip on Nicole

Filipino YES student Nicole Linsangan and her contributions to her host community were featured on local U.S. television. Nicole, who is deaf, helped establish an American Sign Language club at her host school in San Antonio. The club became so popular that the principal added ASL classes to next year's curriculum.

A local news crew followed her last few days in the U.S. Watch the full video by the San Antonio News.

Nicole was also interviewed by Texas Public Radio, alongside her host mother and host sister, who are also deaf. They discuss Nicole's transition to American culture and her experiences at Marshall High School in San Antonio, Texas. With regard to the American Sign Language club at Nicole's school, Gabriella Wolfenberger, her teacher, remarks:

“The hearing students heard about it and they just flocked," Wolfenberger said. "The first meeting they had just a few kids, but it just grew and grew and grew until the room wasn’t big enough, they had to move to the library.”

Around 200 students have already signed up for ASL at the school this the coming year. Listen to Nicole's interview here.
