YES Programs



Family, Friends and Fun

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By Hania Farooq (YES 2018-2019, Pakistan, hosted by AFS-USA in Evanston, IL)

Hi, I am Hania from Pakistan. I am a recent returnee and was placed in Evanston, Illinois. I was enrolled in Evanston Township High School where I made tons of friends. Answering the prompt, [What will you miss the most about living in your host community?] I'd say that I miss my friends and family the most. I have had so many fun moments with them which now, have become valuable memories to me.  One of the biggest challenges during one's exchange is making friends. My experience was no different. In the start, I tried talking to people as an effort to make friends, but it was futile. I met my first friend, Malcolm, in an ice breaker activity. We had to interview each other and present to the class. It was a success and we became really close. We went to prom together and his family also took me indoor skydiving which was a thrilling experience. I hosted a surprise birthday party for him and my whole family was there. It was the same evening as Seder, a traditional Jewish dinner, that I also got to experience. Overall, it was a very awarding day. 

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Malcolm and one of my other best friends, Rose, took me sledding which was so much fun. I was covered in snow by the end of it. I looked like a living snowman. It was a hilarious sight indeed. Rose and I became really close during a camping trip. We made fire from scratch, made smores and went hiking together. We shared stories and a tent. I enjoyed it all immensely. I am a Pokémon fan and she took me to watch the new Detective Pikachu movie. It was one of our last activities together before I had to leave for Pakistan. I am so very grateful for her companionship, because she always supported me and gave me valuable advice whenever I needed it. I took Japanese during my exchange and formed a strong friendship with Aurora. We both share a strong passion for Japanese culture and she taught me all about the Japanese Tea Ceremony ritual. She is also very talented when it comes to sewing and she showed me all her wonderful creations before she submitted them in a fashion show. She totally rocked the contest. I am very proud of her. I have shared many of my first-time experiences with my friends. One of my dear friends, Eviee, hosted a sleepover just for me. It was my first one and I had a fabulous time. We watched movies, shared fun memories and made some new ones. I went to prom with all of my closest friends and we saw the first fireworks of the season at Navy Pier. It was a magical moment, more perfect than all those in Disney fairytales. All of my friends gifted me Evanston and Chicago souvenirs. I was really touched by their kindness and love.

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My host family was no less awesome. My host parents took me to the Science and Industry Museum where I saw the strands of my DNA. As a person who loves science, it was a huge moment for me. I also got a chance to look at the eclipsing red moon through a telescope. I was over the moon after that. It was an unbelievable thing to do. They also took me to a lot of plays including the Nutcracker. I was mesmerized by the beautiful performance. My host parents knew that I am a big anime fan so they got me a lot of comics of my favorite shows. My dad used to make heart shaped pancakes on special days like Easter and Valentine’s Day. I could say without a doubt that he is the best cook ever. He can cook so many different dishes so I got him a Pakistani recipe book when I came to the U.S. 

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My mom took me and my sister for prom dress shopping and it was a really fun experience. My host parents also took us to see many historically valuable sites like Frederick Douglass's house, Lincoln's home, the bridge in Selma, where the African Americans did their famous march from Selma to Montgomery, etc. I also had a host sister, Layana from Palestine who happens to be a very talented artist and pianist. She used to play very beautiful tunes on the piano and I would always be in awe of her colorful artistic creations. She was not a big fan of Frozen but she would always play Let It Go on the speakers and make me sing along when I was feeling down. We bonded quickly and were inseparable as sisters. We always have had each other’s' backs and I felt quite protective of her as her older sister, even if only by a few months. We also volunteered together as a family at various occasions. We have worked to feed children around the globe, work for Palestinian rights and recruit host families for the YES program. I have been on many adventures with my family. We went to a water park in Wisconsin together and went to visit the New York City.

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All these people that I mentioned above and many others, like my liaison Carol, made my year a success. I shared major once in a lifetime moments with them. I have shared my culture with them and they have shared their culture and country with me. I am very grateful for their hospitality and companionship. I am very honored of being chosen as a youth ambassador for my country and making a difference in this world. Cheers to these long lasting bonds and cheers to this prestigious YES program for making world peace possible.
