YES Programs



First Steps in the USA

Sahaf meets his host family and they hold a welcome sign

By Khondker Sahaf Bin Asif (YES 2021-2022, Bangladesh, placed by AFS-USA in Phoenix, AZ)

My name is Sahaf, and I am a YES student from Bangladesh. When I first left the airport in Washington, D.C., I was awestruck by everything, from the big parking lots to the giant roads to the clear, sunny sky. I couldn’t believe how we can all live under the same sun yet everything can look so different. When I saw a big American flag near the highway, I got goosebumps and the realization finally hit me that I am actually in the U.S. 

My host family is the loveliest family that I could have ever hoped for. My host mom is the president of the AFS Arizona chapter and she is one of the best people you could ever find. My host dad is very outgoing and fun-loving. We really enjoy playing pool together! I have three host sisters and they are all amazing. 

My first day at my American high school was also amazing and different from anything I’ve experienced before. There were people with all kinds of cool hair and outfits, which is very uncommon in Bangladesh. The campus was huge and the teachers were so friendly and loving. I feel so welcomed everywhere and I am loving my time here in America.
