YES Programs



How to change your life by changing others' lives

Alumnus Carrying A Bag Of Rice To Prepare For Less Fortunate During Ramadan

By Bakari Sidibé (YES 2018-2019, Mali, placed by PAX in Lackland, TX)

I don't know if this has ever happened to you, but often there comes a time when we start searching for the meaning of our life. We ask ourselves, what we would like to dedicate most of our time to. Before finding this… thing that I have trouble naming, we may feel empty or bored, and in severe cases, it can even lead to depression. Fortunately, for me, the YES Program provided the answer to this question. It was through my YES year that I discovered that I took great pleasure in helping others.

Alumnus Carrying A Bag Of Food

I remember a specific volunteering experience that had a significant impact on me during my YES year in the United States. I was volunteering at a homeless shelter, and one of the residents, a man named John, struck up a conversation with me. We ended up talking for hours as he told me about his life and the struggles he had faced, and I listened with empathy and compassion. When I left that day, John thanked me for taking the time to talk to him and told me that I had given him hope. That moment made me realize the power of volunteering and the impact it can have on peoples’ lives.

Upon returning to my country, I was shocked to realize that I had volunteered more in one year in the United States than I had in my entire life here. This was not due to a lack of willingness, but rather a lack of opportunities. Paradoxically, volunteering could play a significant role in our country's development, yet there seemed to be a scarcity of information, organization, and any initiative about it. I came to the realization that many young people like myself might be willing to volunteer, but they simply are not aware of the opportunities available to them.

This realization inspired me and a fellow YES alumnus to establish the goal of instilling the culture of volunteering in our community through a podcast that we have named, “The First Week-end.” This podcast aims to inform listeners about all the benefits that volunteering can have in a community, and to encourage listeners to take action. As its name suggests, the general objective of the podcast is to organize a community service activity every first weekend of the month, whether it’s cleaning the roads, donating to orphanages, or more recently, donating food to the most deprived to break their fast during the month of Ramadan.

A Group Of People Carrying Cooked Rice To Be Given To Less Fortunate

These volunteer activities provide opportunities to contribute to the community, while also sharing moments of joy, conviviality, and fun with fellow volunteers and those in need. Seeing the smiles on their faces is truly rewarding, and is worth much more than any compensation we might have received. It also reminds us that there are still people in the world willing to dedicate their time and energy to helping others.

If you're feeling lost or unfulfilled, I encourage you to consider volunteering in your community. There are so many organizations and causes that could use your help, and you might just discover your own sense of purpose in the process. Check out your local volunteer center or search online for volunteer opportunities in your area. 

Reflecting on my journey, I am grateful to the YES program, which changed my life and allowed me to discover my passion for volunteering. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, 

"Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” 

I hope my story will be inspiring to you and I believe that if we join our efforts,  we can change the world!
