YES Programs



Pursuing My Personal Legend

Two Young Women In Costumes Holding A Large Teddy Bear

By: Feryel Mhadhbi (YES 2022-2023, Tunisia, placed by PAX in Prescott, AR) 

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve had big ambitions. One of my ambitions is to travel to as many countries as I can. On my 13th birthday, my dad gave me the book The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and told me, “This book will change the way you see the world.” In the book, Coelho writes that each of us has our own personal legend. As I matured, I realized that my personal legend is to live in communities different from my own and learn about their culture. Words can’t describe how passionate I am about traveling and discovering what astonishing mysteries this diverse world holds. Learning about different cultures and lifestyles expands my knowledge and helps me see the world from different perspectives.  

Feryel In A Red And Black Band Uniform

I’ve done things that I never thought I’d be capable of. I’ve gone to football games and band competitions, hosted presentations for International Education Week, celebrated Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, attended the Civic Education Workshop, competed in track meets, and gone to prom. My 2021 self would be amazed at what I’ve accomplished. 

Somewhere between then and now, Tunisia turned into the USA, Arabic turned into English, guitar lessons turned into band, workouts at home turned into track, cafes turned into drive thrus, soda cans turned into free refills, and schoolwork on weekends turned into adventures with my host family. Somewhere between then and now, I found a new home.  

I consider my YES experience to be one of the most impactful events of my teenage years. I’ve made new best friends, learned to appreciate my family, became more mature, and gained lifelong skills. It was the best decision I’ve ever made. Thank you YES!  
