Çisem Kaço from Türkiye is the YES Student of the Month
By Richlue Kpakor
YES’13, Liberia
Arlington, WA
In October, my placement organization had a Halloween party and all CIEE students around Arlington were invited. Each student was asked to bring a pumpkin for a pumpkin carving competition. I crafted the word “howl” with a cross under it. I did not win because it was not the scariest one, but my friends said mine was the best. The party was one of the most exciting moments of my life since my arrival in the United States.
The day before the Halloween Party with CIEE, I hung out with my friend Max and his parents. First his parents took us to Red Robin, one of the best restaurants in Maryville, for a hamburger. It was my first time to eat such food and I wish we could go there every weekend. After the dinner, we drove to a Halloween store. There I saw things I have only seen in the movies. It was great and I never wanted to leave. After that, to an area called Stocker Farm where there was a corn maze. Oh! It was the most exciting place I have ever been. We entered the farm and people dressed like zombies were jumping out of the bushes to scare us. Every one of us was shrieking because it was so scary - but it was awesome. We went there because I told him nothing could scare me in America and he said he knew something that could. He was right because I got scared. Stocker Farm and the Halloween party made that October weekend the best yet.
By Anika Sheela
YES ’13, Bangladesh
Florence, SC
People said that the world would end in 2012, but it proved to be a new beginning for me. When dreams come true, it feels like you are on top of the world.
This year I celebrated my first Halloween at sleep over weekend with other exchange students in Timmonsvile, SC. It was so much fun! The Halloween Party started with a scavenger hunt for hidden eyeballs, we bobbed for apples and then we had hay ride. During the hay ride, one of the exchange students pointed to a snake in the hay and I almost jumped out of the cart! Her acting got me; it was a fake plastic snake but since it was dark, it seemed real.
Next, I carved my first pumpkin and we watched Snow White and the Huntsman while we carved. In the evening, we made s’mores and I got to know that it’s a popular traditional nighttime campfire treat.
Even writing this experience down on paper brings a big smile to my face and it feels like every moment of that Halloween party is dancing in front of my eyes.
Caption: Richlue (right) enjoyed Halloween not only with other exchange students, but also with his friend Max, above.