YES Programs



Try, Try Again

Sarah Arizona

By: Sarah Alasmar (YES 2018-2019, Lebanon, hosted by Ayusa in Glendale, AZ)

Exactly one year ago, I was in my room, looking at all the stories and posts the YES students from my country were posting, and the only thought that was going through my head “I wish I got accepted." Throughout the summer, I imagined scenarios, and thought of what could have gone differently or what I could have said differently to get accepted in the program. 

Sarah And Sister
Sarah hugs her sister goodbye at the airport in Beirut before leaving for the YES program.

When I applied the second time and got accepted, the excitement and pride I felt could not be described. Then one week ago, when I was packing my suitcase, my excitement turned into the fear of saying goodbye, and leaving my friends, family and home country. As I rolled my luggage through the airport and hugged my friends and family goodbye, I walked away without turning back. 

When the plane took off, I looked down at the fading lights of the beautiful city of Beirut and a tear slipped from my eyes - it was a tear of joy mixed with fear. I felt proud of who I am, because it takes a lot of courage and bravery from us, exchange students to choose to be foreign. And fear because I knew that I was leaving a life that I had built for 16 years, to try to fit a lifetime of experiences in ten months. 

Today, as I am writing this, in my host house, it has finally hit me. My exchange year has officially started and I should be a youth ambassador of my country and share my culture with Americans! I realize that all YES students are blessed and fortunate to have the opportunity to live an experience that we can share with our friends and families, our future children and grandchildren.
