by Fauzia Osman, Ghana YES alumna 2007-08
The US Ambassador to Ghana, Mr. Donald Teitelbaum, invited affiliates of AFS and YES in Ghana to mark the end-of-stay program for the YES Abroad students hosted in Ghana. Among the people invited were the staff of AFS Ghana, active YES alumni and their parents (Ms. Fauzia Osman and family, Ms. Mariam Eliasu and family and Ms. Quratul-Ain and family), host families, active volunteers, heads of host schools and others who contribute their time and effort to the program in Ghana. Approximately 40 people attended the event.
Ambassador Teitelbaum gave a speech to congratulate everyone regarding the efforts made to promote exchanges in Ghana. He further congratulated the YES Abroad students for their successful completion of the program and for being excellent ambassadors for the US, and now for Ghana as well. The three students, Adam Paul Streeter, Anna Marie Martinez and Justine Gonzalez-Berg, were said to have raised the bar high in terms of international exchange in Ghana. They were among the best students hosted in Ghana and gave a deeper meaning to the word “culture."
Justine was delighted that she had left a mark on the lives of people who will forever remember her, but she was sad the year was over too soon. Adam said he learned a lot during his year and he wished to convince more students to come to Ghana as exchange students. Marie will miss her friends terribly, and the food and people. They thanked everyone in the YES and AFS family for their support and friendship and expressed how appreciative they were to have met them. All the students hope to come back to pay everyone a visit one day. We wish them all the best in their endeavors and we hope they acquire all their desires in life.
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