The following article was posted on the KNDU news website
Student from Ghana in Kennewick
KENNEWICK, Wash— Sandy Raimes’ social studies class is full of students eager to graduate and move on. But for one student, Asana Rashad, it took a lot of work just to get here.
“I’m from a very small village in the northern part of Ghana, called Salaga,” she says.
Asana has been a student at Kennewick High for almost a year. She’s not just learning in the classroom, but also in everyday life.
“It’s like giving birth to a new baby to come to America,” she explains. “Everything was different for me, from the food, everything. I never saw a vacuum cleaner, a lot of things I didn’t know.”
But the one thing she’s known for years is her calling in the medical field; a goal she set for herself as a child when her uncle got sick and didn’t see a doctor.
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