YES Programs



YES Alumni Professional Development Grants: Fall 2024 Cycle

Grants Promo

Proposals for the Fall 2024 cycle of the YES Alumni Professional Development Grants will be accepted from eligible alumni of the YES and YES Abroad programs from September 18 to October 9. The grants are funded by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and administered by American Councils for International Education.

The YES Alumni Professional Development Grants program offers grants of up to $250 to subsidize YES and YES Abroad alumni engagement in professional development opportunities that will enable them to develop skills and talents they will bring back to their home communities and alumni networks and/or that will further their knowledge in their current career or field of study. All proposals must include a clear plan for sharing what was learned from the opportunity with fellow alumni or the local community within four weeks of the completion of the professional development opportunity, and proposals with the most detailed plans will receive the highest consideration.

Examples of expenses this grant could support:

  • Conference/training fees
  • Non-accredited courses (i.e., academic degree coursework is excluded), including online courses
  • Travel and/or accommodation for a professional development opportunity
  • Language courses, if directly related to applicant’s career and/or the applicant demonstrates the knowledge gained would lead to strong community impact

Fundable opportunities must take place between November 1, 2024, and February 28, 2025, with all receipts also being dated within this timeframe.

Please note: Delivery of funds cannot be guaranteed any earlier than December 15, therefore, alumni whose opportunities require payment before this date (i.e., between November 1 and December 15) must be prepared to self-pay and be reimbursed.

The application will be open from September 18 to October 9 at

Questions? Email [email protected].
