YES Programs



YES Student is Passing Peace Forward

Phi Musfirnoor Iew Essay Pic With Flag

by Musfirnoor Dibagelen (YES 17-18 Philippines, hosted with AFS in Arcata, CA)

What is peace? How do you achieve peace? How do you pass peace forward? For me, peace is about living harmoniously with yourself and all sentient beings around you. It calls for tolerance, a caring attitude, inclusion, diversity, and empathy to others. Passing peace forward is doing something good without expecting something in return. It means doing something kind for a more peaceful world and for the betterment of people and society. As a goodwill ambassador, I have the responsibility to demonstrate commitment to facing global issues, a willingness to foster cultural understanding, good citizenship, and being a good role model to the youth.

During my stay in Humboldt, California, I have met new people of different races, colors, and religions, immersed myself in diversity, and established close relationships with my host family and community. I have had the chance to participate in International Education Week, where I imparted knowledge about my culture to different age groups. They found this very interesting and it opened their minds to the different ethnicities and cultures all around the globe. 

Phi Musfirnoor Munro Proulx Fam
Musfinoor and his host family.

Throughout the week, I presented at a high school where I met students with Native American heritage. They were captivated by some of the unique aspects of my culture and they were very curious. They really enjoyed the presentation and so did I. Seeing them smile made me feel happy and I realized that through sharing my culture, I was bridging cultural barriers, eradicating stereotypes and promoting intercultural understanding. I knew that I was passing peace forward to their hearts. 

I also presented to young grade schoolers where I shared my culture’s social values, gestures, and names we use to address older people. The students called me “Kuya” which means older brother in Filipino. I felt so touched. Small efforts can suddenly make big changes. By integrating myself into the community, practicing volunteerism, and fostering relations with people, I was passing peace forward.

Phi Musfirnoor
Musfirnoor and another student serving coffee at a dinner for Native American Elders.

Passing peace forward starts within ourselves; with just a gesture, like a simple smile, you are spreading love. When someone does something beneficial for you, you pay it forward by helping those in need. We can pass peace forward even in the simplest things we do for one another. The world would be more peaceful if all of us recognized similarities, celebrated our differences, and challenged stereotypes. The world is too big just to take care of oneself; we need to unite and help each other. We can all pass peace forward; we just have to start within ourselves. As a YES ambassador of goodwill and peace, I pass peace forward to you.
