YES Programs



A Month in Missouri: Learning Every Day

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By: Bojana K. (YES 2019–2020, North Macedonia, hosted by American Councils PO in Saint Peters, MO)

I never thought that my life could be changed by just one call and one piece of information; this moment came when I was told that I received the YES scholarship and would have the chance to spend my junior year of high school in the U.S. Now, here I am, in my bedroom in the city of Saint Peters, listening to music and reflecting on my first month in Missouri and all the new and exciting things I’ve gotten to do.

I arrived to my host community on Aug 30, 2019. It was a day to remember. I met my host family at the airport, and I felt safe. During my first weekend, I went to the amusement park, Six Flags, with my host family. I've never been on a roller coaster, and that was one for sure. When the first day of school came, I was so excited. I was also overwhelmed by how big and different the school was from my school back home, but the teachers and the students were so nice and welcoming. I have some exciting classes, and I’ve also officially discovered my favorite dessert here: the cookies at school – they are so good. I can say, I really like school, and we’ve had some pretty exciting events happen in these past weeks. I joined the hockey cheerleading team and student council. Even more, my school celebrated Homecoming, which is something I only dreamed of. It was a totally new and interesting experience; I went with my friends and had a blast. 

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Bojana and students from her class volunteering and helping clean the riverside.

On the morning of Homecoming, my host family and I took part in a volunteering activity where we planted 51 native plants near the Missouri River. I really enjoyed this, and it was a great start to the day. I also participated in an activity where we cleaned the shores alongside the Missouri River. In addition, most recently, my host mum organized a honeysuckle bach where we chopped down honeysuckle trees that are bad for the birds. I learned something I didn't know, and I’ve found that I learn something new every day I'm here. 

The only thing I don't have to learn, which I already know, is that I'm really thankful and happy for having the opportunity to widen my point of view and become more open-minded to seeing all the new things in front of me. For everyone who is considering applying for the YES program, I strongly encourage you to do it because being on exchange is one of the coolest things I've ever done.

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Homecoming picture-taking with Bojana's friends and all of the families.
