Alaa’s YES journey transformed her into a heptathlete.
The Indonesian YES Alumni Association (IYAA) organized “Party Like it’s YES-terday: YES Alumni Homecoming,” a celebration of the YES program’s 20th anniversary, at the U.S. Embassy's American Cultural Center in Jakarta. The theme was inspired by the many homecoming celebrations the alumni experienced at their U.S. high schools. There was even a homecoming queen and king! The event brought together more than 100 Indonesian alumni from nearly every program year from the past 20 years to rekindle the YES spirit, reunite and reminisce with fellow alumni.
The celebration included featured sharing sessions, opening with Titis Lintang Andari '04 from the first YES class who shared her exchange stories through visual storytelling. Other featured alumni speakers were Gladhys Elliona Syahutari '12, Hasnaa Naila '15, and Ni Made Tasyarani '19. The festivities continued with alumni leading American game shows such as Who Wants to be a Millionaire and Family Feud, dancing, karaoke, and networking sessions designed to encourage cross-generational networking.
Honored guests included Mary Trechock, U.S. Embassy Assistant Cultural Affairs Officer, Gatot Nuradi Sam, Executive Director, AFS Bina Antarbudaya, Sari Tjakrawiralaksana, Programs Coordinator, Bina Antarbudaya, and local volunteers who contributed to the success of the YES program in Indonesia. The event was live-streamed via @america, and you can check out the video here.