YES Programs



Bringing Joy to the Homeless in Suriname

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On October 16th, World Food Day, YES Suriname alumni Sarafina Woerdings and Zerahja Dest visited the Dak-en Thuislozen Zorg shelter, a shelter for homeless people who are dealing with mental issues in their community, and helped the staff serve lunch to the shelter residents. Their goal was to show the homeless that they are not alone and forgotten, but that young people like them are also concerned about their well-being. 

Lunchtime is a very busy and hectic time of the day at the shelter, so Sarafina's and Zerahja's help setting the table, preparing plates of food, and serving about 17 residents was much appreciated. 

Sarafina decided to volunteer at the shelter because she remembered doing something similar in the United States with a community service group at school and "just could not forget the look on the people's faces, how happy they were that someone out there was thinking about them, and how much they appreciated us helping them." 

Sarafina hopes to volunteer again at the shelter with more YES alumni soon.
