Abdullateef equipped 35 participants with disabilities with essential tech skills.
From June 19 to 22, Farah AlKafaween ‘09 organized a medical mission with eight YES alumni. They hosted the mission in Mafraq and provided medical care to 2,500 Syrian refugees and underprivileged Jordanian families.
They worked in collaboration with The Flying Doctors of America and the Al-Salam Foundation. The Flying Doctors of America is an organization which provides primary medical care to people who can’t afford it. The Al-Salam Foundation is a German organization founded by two German medical students that collects donations of medical supplies for Syrian refugees, including lab tests, x-rays, ultrasound imaging, walking aids, and medications.
During the mission, the group provided care in the areas of internal medicine, cardiology, pulmonology, hematology, gynecology, neurology, psychiatry, occupational therapy, and pediatrics. Medical supervision was provided by physicians from Jordan, Germany, and the U.S.
The medical mission was spearheaded by the YES alumni organizing committee, who worked to plan the mission over the past several months. The alumni also volunteered to share the YES program with patients at the event.
Farah AlKafaween ‘09 said, “Being able to keep this project going and alive since 2016 is what gives us hope in humanity and we could learn the importance of helping others because we were once YESers. The medical mission is a project we do not just to help refugees, but also to teach other medical students the importance of giving back. And this year I got to be the mission leader and I was responsible for all the teams, not just the YES alumni team. The amount of love we received from everyone gave me power and strength to keep going.”
Farah Al-Kafaween (YES 2008-2009, Jordan, placed by Ayusa in Finley Kennewick, WA)