YES Programs



A Food Sale Extravaganza

Food Sale

YES alumni and volunteers sell homemade goods to the public. 

A food sale was organized by YES alumni and other volunteers in order to fundraise for future projects within the alumni association. The event was promoted with posters that were publicized throughout the city of Rabat. Alumni baked sweets and other items at home the day before the event, and then met the next morning at 10AM to get the sale started. Throughout the day, the alumni performed different tasks, like selling food, handling the money and making change, and drawing people to the sale. Some participants were not native Moroccans, which made the sale even more diverse with the introduction of foreign foods.

The event was very successful, and people were quite supportive. Some donated money without taking any food, while others bought as much as possible! Consequently, by the end of the day, most things were sold out and the participants were left with only a few carrot cakes! A good amount of money was raised, and all participants felt empowered and pround of what their hard work accomplished. Even though the concept of selling homemade brownies, banana bread, hotdogs and more was new, no one hesitated to make a contribution. It was wonderful to see everyone come together for a good cause, and it motivated participants to begin future projects.
