YES Programs



Global Youth Service Day in Tanzania and Nigeria

A Group Of Young Children And A Few Adults Standing In A Group Smiling  In Front Of Them Are Bags Of Donations Clothes Diapers Etc

IRIS Nigerian YES alumni celebrated Global Youth Service Day in Tanzania April 11 - April 13. Global Youth Service Day is a celebration that encourages millions of young people to make a positive impact in their communities by volunteering. This year, IRIS alumni helped with nine different events.

YES alumni spent time and energy meeting together several weeks before Global Youth Service Day to determine what project they wanted to create in order to both strengthen their communities, as well as encourage community involvement. After the IRIS alumni determined what projects they were going to undertake, they registered their projects on the YSA website and promoted their events throughout their communities.

In Zaria, Nigeria, alumni helped build their community by visiting the Beth Torrey Home, a center for children with disabilities. The Alumni assisted the center by providing them with donations of various supplies to help maintain operations of the center. Alumni were able to see their impact in the joy and appreciation those at the center offered.

On April 12, in Benue State, alumni assisted their community by offering support to refugees. The alumni provided support for these internally displaced people by donating necessary items, including soap, anti-malaria drugs, food and clothing. The alumni were also able to support the refugees by offering therapy to encourage them.

In Gombe state, alumni visited an orphanage. The alumni provided the orphans with milk, toiletries and other items needed to help operate the orphanage. The alumni also offered support and care to the orphans by taking time to play with them and talk to them.

In Kaduna, alumni participated in two volunteer events, including a visit to an orphanage and a peace discussion. Alumni provided support to the orphanage by donating items including soap, food and clothing. The alumni also inspired the children by sharing their experiences and encouraging them to be active citizens in their community. Additionally, alumni organized a peace discussion that educated community members about peace and tolerance.

Alumni in Plateau contributed to encourage the health of the community by volunteering to build a health center and by visiting a hospital. Several YES alumni from Plateau are in medical school and were able to use their knowledge by working to help build a health clinic by molding 64 blocks and building the foundation. At the Evangel Hospital VVF Center, alumni gave a presentation discussing the importance of hand washing. The alumni also offered soap to patients at the hospital.

In Sokoto, Nigeria, alumni mobilized to hold an art program and to play soccer with orphans. In honor of Global Youth Service Day, the alumni held a drawing event by offering the children art supplies and encouraging them to draw. They also visited the Sokoto State orphanage and offered them donations, as well as spent time teaching the children how to play soccer.

To see more photos, visit the IRIS blog.
