YES Programs



Inspiring Volunteerism in Future YES Students

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On the 6th of August 2013 Lucretia, a YES 2013-2014 student, Sueyen Asmoredjo, a YES alumna, and a friend volunteered at a hospital in Wageningen, Suriname.

The students said that the hospital is not in good condition, "a few rooms are broken, some haven't been cleaned for a few years now. When we were looking for a volunteer opportunity, we thought it was a very good idea to clean the hospital."

Asmoredjo went to the hospital and asked the head nurse if they could clean a few rooms. The girls spent the afternoon cleaning the emergency room. "It was very nice working together as a team to clean the room. We worked very hard together and we did our best to make this room nice and shiny again. And most of all we had a lot of fun doing it," says Asmoredjo. This is a great example of YES alumni sharing the spirit of volunteerism with new YES students and other friends in the community.</p>
