YES Programs



Ramadan Volunteerism

Alumni painting childrens faces

By: Salah Mazloum (YES 2018-2019, Lebanon, placed by IRIS in Des Moines, IA)

As the YES Alumni Lebanon board began their new term, the South Region kicked things off with an iftar event. Eleven alumni collaborated with a local NGO to make iftar meals and distributed them to 22 families in need. The alumni didn’t just hand out the meals; they also shared warmth and support to the families, showing the true meaning of Ramadan. The South region didn’t stop there. They organized a second event for special needs children. They set up fun stations, including coloring and a puppet show, and organized an iftar dinner.

Alum standing over a large pot of food

In the North and Metn/Keserwen regions, alumni teamed up to prepare meals for 150 families. They worked with “Maedat Al Mahabba”, a charity restaurant in the region.

In the Beqaa region, alumni hosted two big events. They worked with JCI Beqaa, a local youth organization, and the Scouts to cook and organize activities for over 150 orphans. Then, they collaborated with a local association to give iftar meals and toys to over 50 families with children.

Looking back over the month of Ramadan, the alumni’s hard work and kindness is shown through their six events across four regions. Over 50 alumni were involved, and they helped 500 people in need. The alumni proved that when people come together, they can make a big difference. Through their dedication, the alumni showed the true spirit of Ramadan.
