YES Programs



A Showcase of Achievements

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Alumni from Jordan coordinated an event at the Sheraton Hotel in Amman to showcase community service initiatives, along with memories (photos, videos and etc.) from their exchange year in the U.S. 

The alumni enjoyed being a part of the preparations that went into planning the event. YES alumnus Mohammad Khasawneh said, “It was very very good - a great chance for the YES alumni to showcase their future projects and how creative we can all be as a team.” YES alumnua Nadeen Abidah continued with, “It was so helpful not only for other people to see what the YES alumni are planning for the future, but also for us to gain more self confidence while preparing the future YES batch of students as well!"

The event was a huge success with more than 300 people in attendance! This included the U.S. Embassy Deputy of Mission, Stephanie Williams, and the Public Affairs Officer Anneliese Reinemeyter. Parents and friends of alumni, along with AMIDEAST staff and local press were also on hand to bear witness to the stories and amazing achievements shared throughout the day!
