YES Programs



"Toward a New Generation of Social Entrepreneurs"

Morocco  Alumni During The  Green  Entrepreneurship  Workshop At The  Alumni  Conference (1)

The alumni organized its first major conference from April 2nd- 4th  in Rabat. The conference, titled “Toward a New Generation of Social Entrepreneurs,” was held at the National Institute for Agronomic Research and facilitated by Alumni Association President Meriem El Hilali ‘06.

The mission of Morocco’s alumni association is to establish a system of social volunteering, and to promote English and intercultural exchange through the creation of social projects. The main themes of these projects pertain to environmental protection awareness and youth group community service. The purpose of the conference was to gather alumni in an open forum to discuss future initiatives, and several guest speakers such as Mary Jeffers, Public Affairs Officer at the U.S. Embassy, and Ahmed Chaaybi, Head of the National Center of Examinations from the Moroccan Ministry of Education, were on hand to discuss the ideologies behind social entrepreneurship and how they can be applied to alumni activities.






Several workshops were also conducted throughout the conference for participants. Topics included personal development, social entrepreneurship ideals and green entrepreneurship, which combines making a profit with environmental and social concerns.  In honor of Earth Day on the final day of the conference, attendees participated in a tree planting ceremony. Thirty alumni volunteered for this event, and trees were planted at Al Mandar Al Jami High School in the low income neighborhood of El Quaria. Alumni applied for a mini-grant to help fund this event, and with the help of students and staff; 300 trees were planted! Local television crews came out to witness this event, and video commentary can be found at the following link.
