YES Programs



Alumni Share First Aid Training

Asrar Al-Tawili (YES 2009-2010, hosted by PAX in Bedford, NH) teaches first aid techniques to girls at an orphanage in Sanaa.

Facing extremely difficult daily circumstances due to the ongoing conflict, YES alumni in Yemen continue to organize themselves to help their communities. Most recently, four YES alumni participated in a five-day first aid training at the AMIDEAST office in Sanaa. From November 23 – 31, 2015, they learned techniques for dealing with fractures, bleeding, shock, and burns.

Yousef Zabarah (YES 2010-2011, hosted by NWS in Vancouver, WA) teaches first aid techniques to boys at an orphanage in Sanaa

A young participant learns first aid techniques first-hand from Asra.

But these remarkable alumni were not just learning first aid for themselves; they intentionally designed the training so that they would gain the basic skills they needed in order to train others in their communities. YES Alumni conducted a first aid training at the Dar Al-Rahma orphanage in Sanaa on December 17. This training benefitted 24 youth between the ages of 14 – 17, so that they, too, would know basic first aid. Their next training will be held at a juvenile detention center.


Boys try first aid techniques with Yousef's instructions

These YES Alumni are creating opportunities to improve the lives of young people and their communities in any way possible, regardless of the local circumstances.

The boys group after the training at Dar Al-Rahma

Not pictured:

Rudinah Abdulaziz (YES 2010-2011, hosted by PAX in Cottonwood, AZ)
Abdullah Al-Leswas (YES 2009-2010, hosted by PAX in Alaska)
